
Happy New Year to one and all!

I hope all of you had a wonderful holiday and that you are facing our freezing temps now with a warm drink and feet up in front of the fireplace. BRRRR its cold outside! The kids and teachers are probably happy to get an extended holiday vacation tomorrow.

Time to think Rotary and plan for this week's meeting. This week we have Eric Serbus, principal of the Takota learning Center, as our speaker. Nell Bury will introduce Eric to us and he will tell us about this unique alternative educatonal opportunity afforded students who qualify in our district. I look forward to hearing more about this learning center and about its staff and students. You will be greeted this week by the team of Rod Thompson, Kathy Busch and Nell Bury. Our Finemaster is the effervescent insurance guy, we all know and love, Tim Whitcomb. We do not have a Songmaster scheduled as of this writing. I hope we will have a volunteer by Tuesday.

With the new year comes fresh, new ideas and some updating of our club. We will be purchasing a new set of name badges for our club that will be more modern and easier to clip on our apparel with the use of magnetic clips. So, we are looking for everyone to give us their feedback exactly how they wish to have their badges read in terms of name, title and station in life you might say. After looking at all the badges personally, I noted a vast difference in titles and careers. So, we will be looking for your feedback as we pass a sheet around at future meetings and allow you to fill out exactly how you wish your name badge to read.

Looking Ahead:  PLEASE MARK YOUR CALENDARS! Tuesday, January 14 Rotary Assembly with Chuck Berg. This is an important meeting for all to attend. We will discuss how to increase our membership numbers and enhance the future of our club. We need your honest and relevant feedback to help guide our club and Chuck and his membership team into the future. Please try and be there for this important all-club Assembly.

Also, MARK YOUR CALENDARS for Tuesday, January 21 as we hear from Barb Brekke and her friend Jean Marschall tell us about their amazing experience walking the Camino of Spain! A don't miss spiritual travel experience you will want to hear about! 

In Rotary Service and Peace,

Sheila McNeill
President, 2013-14

Readjust, Renew, Recommit