The Rotary Club of Shakopee is proud of our many Paul Harris Fellows.
You can see our current and former Paul Harris Fellows on the Links at upper left
Click on Current Rotary Members
or Former Rotarians and Non Members.
Paul Harris Society (PHS) Objective
To recognize those Rotarians and friends who annually contribute US$1,000 or more
to the Annual Programs Fund, PolioPlus or Humanitarian Grant programs that sustain
and advance The Rotary Foundation's humanitarian, educational and cultural programs.
To acknowledge the generosity and commitment of members of the Paul Harris Society
at the district level in support of Rotary's mission of world understanding and peace.
In l956, to encourage Rotarians to increase their philanthropy to The Rotary Foundation, the Trustees developed Paul Harris Fellow recognition for those whose contributions met three criteria: 1) the contribution must be at least $1000; 2) it must be from one individual; and, 3) it must be given within a single year. A pin and medallion were designed as a means to express appreciation to these generous donors.
After few gifts at that level were received, the Trustees decided that more money could be collected if Rotarians were allowed to contribute $1,000 over a period of years and, if they could make contributions to honor another person.
Some clubs decided to name one person who had long service or other distinguishing characteristics a Paul Harris Fellow. In some cultures, the concept developed that a Paul Harris Fellow was primarily an award for exceptional service. The Paul Harris Fellow took on a totally difference meaning than its original purpose -- to encourage individual Rotarians to give larger contributions to The Rotary Foundation.