Message from Valerie Huber's Dad
I am including here an email I received from Valerie's father regarding his gratefulness to our club and some pics of him and Valerie's mom too. I thought I would pass on his kind words to the club. I already forwarded this message on to the Ames family.
Dear Sheila
Our daughter Valerie has returned to Switzerland 3 days ago and it's the moment to thank you for everything you've done for Valerie. I just read the lines you wrote on the homepage of the rotary-Club of Shakopee, and it is so good to see for me as his daddy (and also responsable of the youth-exchanges of our club) that Valerie has had such a positive and enjoying year in Shakopee. When she came home she had so much to tell about what she lived with the Ames familiy and with your club. And what she told reflects perfectly what I read on your homepage. Thank you for all the support, I think Valerie will stay iin contact with Shakopee, and we are sure to come to vivit you in a year! I think a big thank you must also be given to the Ames familiy. Valerie found a ral family where she felt home and her talkin about the Ames family is so warm and positive! We will take contact with the Ames family and with you as soon as we know the exact time of our visit next year.
When Valerie came home we just had the visit of Luke Cady, an exchange-student from Scramento/California who finished his exchange year today. He has spent his last 4 days of his year in our familiy, his last hosting family had left for vacation and Luke returned from a hiking camp in the Alps. So you see Valerie and Luke, my inbound and outbound students of the year.
After this fantastic year, Valerie is back home now and it's true, she is a very special young person. We call her our "sunshine", and we hope that she will be shining vor many many people in her life.
I wish you a good summer and hope to meet you in one year.
Sorry again about my English…
kind regards