President's Weekly Message
Posted by John Crooks on Mar 13, 2017
Happy Monday to Everyone,
It sure was a great surprise to see the story posted by Sheila McNeill about our President Elect Barb Danielson and Club Secretary Chuck Berg. Their willingness to step into a leadership role with our Club is a sure sign that we are a strong, positive and evolving Rotary Club. It assures each one of us that the Shakopee Rotary Club is in fantastic shape going forward in being the best we can be. Huge thanks go out to both of them (and Tammy as co-Secretary) for their time and commitment to our Club.
After shaking off the winter cobwebs and really seeing the snow yesterday, it let's us all know that winter may stick around for a bit. Yesterday as the snow was coming down pretty heavy, I mentioned to Darcy how beautiful this March snow is. She rolled her eyes and indicated she wasn't quite as excited as I was....I grabbed the shovel and headed outside...
This week's meeting has something a little different in store. Bill Nevin will be our Song Master and Fine Master. Another sure sign that St. Patrick's Day in on Friday. We also we feature the induction of our newest member, Kevin Bonney. Please plan on attending to welcome Kevin into the Club.
Our presenter tomorrow will be Mike Berde with the Jewish Community Relations Council. He will talk about the struggle for peace in the Mid-East. It will be very interesting , so plan on attending and making Mike feel welcomed.
Tomorrow's Meeting:
Song Master - Bill Nevin
Fine aster - Bill Nevin
Greeter's Table- Barb Brekke, Jeff Tate and Joe Vaughan
Have a great rest of the day and I will see everyone tomorrow. As always, please let me know if you have any questions or comments.