President's weekly message
Hi All,
I am so digging the weather this week - sunny, warm and not too high humidity, perfect summer days. Hope you've had a chance to get out and enjoy them.
Thanks so much to Tammy and her sister for the very interesting talk on their journey along the Inca trail. The images of Machu Pichu (sp) were amazing! There is no way I would have made it past the first 1/2 mile - the incline & altitude would have done me in. Very impressive adventure - I especially liked the llama thingy (too small for a rug - wall hanging??), and handmade boots. Thanks also to our members for inviting and bringing visitors - it was so nice to have such a great turnout, and wonderful to see Gary and Lynn in the crowd.
This coming week Abul Sharah gives us an update on the international village clinic we supported through an international grant. He is a really fun guy and I'm excited to welcome him to our club. Hold onto your wallet, Jason Marschall is our finemaster, and songmaster Mark McNeill suggests you loosen up your throat for a fun sing-a-long. The friendly faces of Kevin O'Brien and Joe Schmidt will welcome you at the greeter table.
Don't forget to use your "free-lunch" cards and invite a friend to join us!
Put on a smile,
President 2014-15