President's Weekly Message
Hi All,

Thanks to John Bezak for a very interesting talk on the Shakopee School Referendum. I appreciate learning more about both questions, particularly Question #2 on Technology – these days it is difficult to stay on top of the changes in technology.

Thanks to John Bezak for a very interesting talk on the Shakopee School Referendum. I appreciate learning more about both questions, particularly Question #2 on Technology – these days it is difficult to stay on top of the changes in technology.
This week: Surprise!! Legacy Appreciated. You’re going to want to attend this one. Greeters are Linda Plumb and Doug Schleif. The one-and-only Joan Lynch does double duty - leading us in song as song master AND emptying our wallets as fine master

*Book Sale* We need people to help break-down & clean up – on Saturday May 2 from 1-3pm. The more muscles we have, the quicker we’re done. PLUS, President Kathy will buy the beers when we’re all done!
Special thanks: to the tag-team of Harold Armstrong & Gary Martini for chairing the book sale committee & to Lee Hennen for yet again arranging for a very successful Bridging event. Please thank them all for doing such a wonderful job!
Mark your calendars:
- May 5 – Spring Auction: Bring in items for the auction. If you’re donating something $$$, please let Jim Cook or Lee Hennen know ahead of time.
- May 12 – W. Adair Muralt Luncheon
- May 16 – Rotary District Conference at Radisson Blu in Bloomington at the Mall of America. Check out details here Please register now & let me know if you are attending

Light UP Rotary!
Kathleen Klehr
Kathleen Klehr
President 2014-15