President's Weekly Message
Hi All,

WOW - what a rowdy and fun crowd we had this week. Cristi gave us a sweet review of her exchange year in Shakopee.
Special thanks to the Schleif, Armstrong & Canny families for sharing their homes with Cristi. Wonderful to have each family in attendance too! Cristi also celebrated her graduation on Thursday evening - our good wishes go with her as she takes off for the East Coast tour, then travels home to Columbia. Good wishes also to Mallory Glynn as she begins her year abroad in Brazil later this summer. If you missed this week, you missed a lot! Tim "Witty" Whitcomb was a wonder as finemaster - bringing in the cash and fielding plenty of heckling.

Next week we welcome Doug Nathan presenting on "Headwaters Relief Organization". The Three Amigos - Spillers, Spagnolo & Studnicka share the greeters table; Harold Armstrong returns with a BANG as song master; and Deb Erickson will work magic to remove cash from our pockets to fill the pig.
- Special golf presenter on June 23 - great meeting to invite prospective members!!
- Still time to make a donation to the Rotary Foundation - help us make our goal!! We're nearly there!
- Loaves & Fishes June 30 - sign up with Lorri Helkamp
- Board induction June 30

If you can guess why these guys are pictured here, I'll put $1 in the pig!

Light Up Rotary!
Kathleen Klehr
President 2014-15