President's Weekly Message
Posted by John Crooks
on Jun 16, 2016
Good Morning Fellow Rotarians, Families and Friends,
I sure am welcoming the temperatures in the 60's this morning. Arrived home from Phoenix at 100am this morning. The weather was cool there according to residents, as highs were in the low 100's. Sunday and Monday they are anticipating breaking the all time high of 122 degrees. OMG, too hot for me. I am participating in the Saints Healthcare Funds golf outing today and leave for my nephew's wedding in Philadelphia in the morning.
Thanks go to Sheila McNeill for filling in for me on Tuesday. She said the Club learned quite a bit for Sandya Gupta. By the way, I messed up in our last weekly message. Sandya is female...
On Tuesday our own Rotarian John Bezek will be presenting an update on the Shakopee School District. Our community has a great school system and a big part of our Club's efforts is to support the education of our children and young adults. Please join me in attendance on Tuesday June 21 to listen to John.
Next Meeting:
Song Master - Jeff Tate
Fine Master - John Crooks
Greeter's table - Art Quinn, Kathy Busch and Harold Armstrong
I'm off to chase golf balls...I hope everyone has great weekends,