President's Weekly Message
Posted by John Crooks on Nov 18, 2016
Good Afternoon Everyone,
It goes without saying...but I will say it anyway, the weather right now is quite a change from the last several weeks. I am not really ready for it, even though I love winter. I'll pull out some sweaters, stoke the fireplace tonight and things will all be lovely.
Our Senior Appreciation Luncheon was a huge success. We had 35 senior guests attending. Turtle's did a great job with setting the room up and providing great food. Loren Wolf was excellent as always and as he usually does, had us all singing along with smiles on out faces. This event is something that should happen annually. Big thanks to Lee and Libby for the logistics. Huge thanks to Linda for the beautiful and delicious cookies. Thanks also goes to everyone who attended and the guests they brought to share in a great meal, fellowship and singing. Also need to thank Rick and St. Gertrudes for bringing several guests to the luncheon. What a great event...I know it made me very proud of our Club.
This coming Tuesday, November 22, we are having another Breakfast meeting at Dangerfield's at 7:00am. Please adjust your schedules to attend, have breakfast together and join in our Club Assembly. We are going to concentrate on the growth of our Club. Growth of membership, growth of our Committees and growth of our Board. Please attend and share your thoughts on this great Club of ours.
Next Meeting:
Song Master - Lorri Helkamp
Fine Master - John Crooks
Greeter's Table - Sheila McNeill, Rose Hullett and Jon McBroom
As the snow continues to fall, I will wrap things up...Have great weekends and always remember "life is short, do something good for others"