President's Weekly Message for Meeting Tuesday, June 3, 2014 at Dangerfield's
Happy SOGGY Sunday night:
I hope you are all staying dry as I write this. Ironically, I just returned from the city known to be wet Seattle, and we didn't have any rain the whole time we traveled out there last week. Minneapolis got Seattle weather it seems!
Last week we welcomed the director of Loaves and Fishes, Cathy Maes. She gave us an update on the organization and detailed information about all the people they serve. Thanks to Barb Brekke for bringing her to the club. We also recognized the winners of this year's STRIVE scholarships. Thanks to Nell Bury and Barb Danielson for introducing the students and allowing them to speak to us. It is great to be able recognize their efforts.
This week I will introduce our speaker, Nathan Shenk. I think this will be an interesting presentation since Nathan is part of the Burma Rangers.This is an organization which is dedicated to helping the people of Burma and their plight. Nathan has traveled extensively to this area of the world and I believe his pictures and words will be very interesting as we learn more about the Burmese people and their country. So, come on out for an interesting lunch meeting. You will be greeted this week by a new team, Joan Lynch, Jon McBroom and Jason Marschall. They will be ready to smile and take your money too! This week we have the Joe Vaughan show as he will be our Finemaster AND our Songmaster. Way to go Joe!
Valley Fair chaperones needed the weekend of June 14 and 15 for the District International Exchange Student host event. Please see Chuck Huss if you can help with this event.
Graduation Party for Valerie Huber of Switzerland on Friday, June 6, 5-8 PM at home of Pat and Jenny Ames 1575 Coventry Lane, Shakopee. Come on out and wish her well. All members are invited.
In Peace and Service,
Sheila McNeill
President, 2013-14