Presidents Weekly Message
Posted by Kathleen Klehr
on Oct 20, 2014
Hi All,
Hope you had a great weekend - the weather was marvelous!! This is my favorite time of year, crisp air, gorgeous color and no mosquitos!
Last week our own Chris Kost gave us an in-depth look at the history of the YMCA. I was surprised by the long history of the "Y" and its influence on starting other great programs. Loved the stories and photos - thanks Chris!
This week Bill Wermerskirchen introduces Jeff Seeman, NFL Line Judge! Can't wait to hear some of his hard-hitting stories! Lee Hennen will coax some cash from our wallets as fine master, Sheila McNeill takes the lead as song master, and the cheerful faces of Jon McBroom and Joe Schmidt will greet you at the door.
Don't forget:
- Kids Vote - November 4
- Bring something for our Fall Auction - November 4
- New Member event at Stonebrook - November 13
Cheers, Kathy Klehr