Rotary District 5950 Fall Training
Rotary District 5950 Fall Training
Friday, September 23, 2011
Golden Valley Country Club (7001 Golden Valley Road,
Golden Valley, MN)
8:00 AM Registration – Session Convenes at 8:30 AM,
Adjourns at 12:55 PM
You, your club members, and all District Leaders are invited to the Rotary Fall Training Event on Friday, September 23, 2011 at Golden Valley Country Club, Golden Valley, MN. Our theme for the day will be RI President Kalyan’s second area of emphasis this year; Continuity.
There will be four separate breakouts, focusing on Membership, The Rotary Foundation, PR/Communications, and Leadership Development.
We are fortunate to have two featured speakers, both of whom are bastions of the Rotary community, and wellsprings of knowledge and experience. The first is our very own Immediate Past Rotary International Vice President/Zone Director Tommie Thorfinnson. Tommie is well-known for his dynamic, informed, inspiring presentations.
Our other co-star is Amanda Robertson, Project Manager for the Rotary/USAID International H2O Collaboration. In March 2010 her duties were expanded to also include the role of Manager for the Water and Sanitation Area of Focus within the Future Vision Pilot Operations.
Our event will start and end on high notes; the heart-of-the-morning work sessions will be practical, helpful, and informative. Please mark your calendars to reserve the day to attend. Club Presidents, Membership, PR/Communications and Foundation Chairs, those interested in Leadership Development and all club members are invited and encouraged to attend.
The cost is $30/person, and includes registration and fellowship, refreshments, lunch, and applicable break-out materials. You may register individually or as a group. Please indicate payment preference on the attached registration form (payment enclosed; invoice club; etc.) Please register by Monday, September 19 at 2:00 PM. A detailed agenda will be emailed and posted on the district website in early September.