Shakopee Rotary Club - Weekly Update
Merry Christmas Shakopee Rotary!
I hope that each of you had a very safe, relaxing, and Merry Christmas with your family and loved ones. Thanks to the generosity of my family towards my children, my house now holds one quarter of all plastic manufactured in China over this past year!
This week we will have a few of our members give Ice Breakers as our club program. Ice Breakers are a great way for our members to share some of their personal background with our club so that we can get to know them better. This week we have two members lined up, however I am going to hold you in suspense as to who these two lucky members are! We will also hear a quick update from Jason Marschall and Mike Schinnick regarding our annual club fundraiser.
Last week's Christmas Cabaret was absolutely fantastic! Thank you to Ed and Harold for giving our club the pleasure of listening to their children once again this year....they were amazing! Thank you to Kathy Klehr, Mark McNeil, Tim Whitcomb, and Bill Runge for sharing their talents as well! Thank you also to the Laurent's for hosting the event at Stonebrooke, and an extra thank you to Gary for serving as emcee and the continuous shots he took at our beloved club president!! There was one HUGE thank you that I did not address at the cabaret, and I want to be sure to get share it now. THANK YOU to Mark McNeil and his committee for all of their hard work and preparation that they put into this years and your committee did a phenominal job!
Montly Board Meeting: A reminder that we do have our December monthly board meeting scheduled for Wednesday, December 29th at 7:30AM, at the Chamber of Commerce offices.
Rotary Fundraising Committee Meeting: Our club fundraising committee will hold it's first meeting on Tuesday, January 4th at 11:30AM at Dangerfields (just before our regular meeting). All of those interested in attending are welcome.
Here are a some up coming dates to keep in mind.
1.December 28th:
2. January 4th: Great Times on the Gridiron (Dangerfields)
3. January 11th: Saints Health Care Foundation - Yvonne Anderson (Dangerfields)
4. January 18th: "Life is for Living" - The National Hospice and Palliative Care Organization - Melinda Urzua (Dangerfields)
I'm looking forward to seeing everyone on Tuesday!
Robert Deuth
Shakopee Rotary Club