Hello Shakopee Rotary!


I am getting the weekly update out to you now since many of you may be “shuttin down early” and perhaps heading out of town in the next day or two for the 4th.    Thanks to Rob Deuth for an outstanding job serving as club president this past year.  The more I get a taste of being club president the more respect I have for past club presidents.  Congratulations to Chuck Berg as our new District Governor, sixth one from our club and thanks to all those who helped coordinate the event especially Tammy Laurent.  

Our program for next Tuesday July 5 is “Wiggle your Toes”. 

Have a great 4th !

Tim Whitcomb

Shakopee Rotary Club



 Save the Date: Reminder to save the date of September 22nd, 2011, which will hold our upcoming Harlem Ambassador Fund-raising event!!!

Here are a some up coming dates to keep in mind.

1. July 5th: Wiggle your Toes - Aaron Holm & Rob Rieckenberger (Dangerfields)


2. July 12th: State of the City – May John J. Schmidt (Dangerfields)


3. July 19th: Shakopee High School “Gateway to Engineering” – T.J. Hendrickson (Dangerfields)


4. July 26th: Rotary Outbound Exchange Experience in Finland - Emma Ruthenbeck (Dangerfields)


Looking forward to seeing everyone at noon on Tuesday!


Tim Whitcomb
Shakopee Rotary Club