Recent Photos
Tammy Presents  the Paul Harris Award to Shiela McNeill


Tammy Presents  Multiple Paul Harris Awards to Mark Aasve and Mike Baumgartner
Andrea Anderson, Kevin van Hout and Kellen Quinn  Recieve the Paul Harris Award
Tammy Presents  the W Adair Muralt Award to Fred Jurewicz 


Reading Event
Reading Event
Reading Event
Reading Event
Fran Heitzman Recieves the Paul Harris Award
Dr Daniel Gatlin Speaks on Colon Cancer
Tom Gilaspy on the 2010 Census
Cleaning up for the book sale
Cleaning up for the book sale
Cleaning up for the book sale
Cleaning up for the book sale
Cleaning up for the book sale
Cleaning up for the book sale
Cleaning up for the book sale