Weekly President's Message July 23rd Meeting

Greetings to all my fellow Rotarians. I trust you had a good weekend and got out and enjoyed some of this beautiful weather we are having.
Last week we welcomed Denise Baerg from the Savage Arts Council who updated us on the many fine activities they engage in our local area and we thank Kathy Klehr for bringing her informative talk to us. I read a note last week we recently received from our long time and devoted member, Bill Runge who has been dealing with recent health issues and as a result has not been able to attend out meetings. Tony Spagnolo and Jack Cole updated us on his status and said he is improving and as Bill said in his note he hopes to join us again in a few weeks. Please remember to keep Bill in your thoughts and we hope to see him real soon. This week we will have our own Ron Solseth introduce our speaker who will be Sara Fischer from the Al Newman Foundation to Support Shakopee Baseball. Ron said I should bring my autograph book too. I will be eager to learn more at this week's presentation. Dave Paradise, whom I think now has functional air conditioning; will return to us cool, calm and collected enough to be our Finemaster this week. The Songmaster will be the one and only "Mr. Ed" Shukle.
Thanks to all who volunteered the last couple of weeks to fill in the dates needed for the Songmaster positions. I know David Esposito is very grateful. He has only two openings now, Oct. 1 and Oct. 15. If you can look ahead at your calendars please notify David if you can take one of these dates in the future. The updated schedules of both Finemaster and Songmaster are on the website. The Greeters Table (Formerly Sergeant at Arms) is to be manned by the team of Tate, Thompson and Schlief according to the schedule. Thanks to all of you who have volunteered for these positions.
Finally, just a bit of sadness as we now will say good bye to Mariana Salgar Sarmiento, our Exchange Student from Columbia. She will be "leaving on a jet plane" on Tuesday returning to her family and friends in her home country. I know Mariana has truly loved her stay here and has made many new friends and has been adopted by many new families. Her smiling face, polite manners and maturity for a person of her young age will be missed. We wish her much success as she goes back to continue her education in medicine and we hope to see her back here one day soon. Mariana has told me we are all invited to visit her in Columbia so, now you have an open invitation should you ever wish to travel to this beautiful country. Vaya con Dios, Mariana y hasta conocimos otra vez. (translation: Go with God and Until we meet again)
I look forward to seeing many of you at the meeting this week at Dangerfield's.
In Rotary Service,
Sheila McNeill - President